И свет, угасая, отрезал безумного мальчика от его тени...
inspired by #BeatWeekend Festival, but it's not about it.

I start feeling quite strong that lingering for the Road is something truly essential for me.... and about me. I almost can hear it calling. They say the very travel is much more important than a place of destination. I do like this observation. I think only during the travel you can create yourself, while beeing stuck somewhere you start settling down and stop seeing the true nature of things, in my humble opinion. Though it's not that easy, anyway. I just focus on that single issue.

But it's a difficult task to keep this way and especcially to start keeping it. We are taught to seek a certain place to settle down. To my mind, this is the strongest obstacle. It's hidden deep inside and first it takes you much time to see that.Then it gets easier. If it's not too late. But what I supposed to do with my attachements. You are to leave people, places, feelings with no regrets. Another choice which helps to understand what way is truly yours... but how easy to get wrong and take a wrong step. Terrrifying! Because there's the point of no return when you choose to stay out of the Road.
I don't even start talking about "what do people say?" If it bothers you then it's definitely not your way. Then this just finest illusion, that better to stay one.

Several times a year I feel like joining some travelling show (what could be an equivalent for this century?) and leave behind everything stable but the Road. Wander for wander's sake.

It's a shame I still hesitate to start ....

@музыка: Пикник - Кем бы ты ни был

@темы: reise reise, разговор за чашкой коньяка, Everyone has his cybergirlfriend in the basement, Status quo, facinating, You can fool me, but you cannot fool Ernest Hemingway!, арлекинские речи о самоубийстве, черви чувств, космос под ногами, через двери миров к витражам Каркасона, сказка на ночь, интровертное