И свет, угасая, отрезал безумного мальчика от его тени...
WEEK1Welcome to the discussion forums! We’re excited to read your posts throughout the course, and we hope you’ll enjoy engaging with your fellow learners. To kick off the forums, please feel free to introduce yourself, and tell us what brought you to the course. How would you describe your relationship with design and fashion? What do you hope to get out of this course?
I've come across this course just by chance but it turns out that this is what I have been looking already for some time. Recently, I started thinking about connection between what I wear and my inner self, why I choose that item and not this one . And I do see a certain connection. It's not about beauty or fashion or comfort it's something more profound. I believe it's all about the message. I'm sure that nowadays we all look for more holistic ways to say what we are and we try to use not only words but art as well. Why not to use our clothes? It's no wonder that this revelation of mine isn't revelation at all. The moment I started thinking about the history of clothes and fashion I saw that it was all about the message all the time. So I want to get acquainted with the ways clothes speak to be able to 'read' what's behind the image and to create different kinds of messages and built more complex characters using such ways of communication.
The exhibition Items: Is Fashion Modern? is organized around 111 garments and accessories that have had a significant impact in the 20th and 21st centuries. Identify three to five garments and accessories of your own that you would put at the top of your list of significance. At the end of the course, we’ll ask you to reflect on how your list might have changed.
1. The Mustang jeans;
2. A tartan blanket (worn as a plaid);
3. A boho dress;
4. Converse all star;
5. A bronze fibula (a medieval pin).
WEEK2Identify an item (clothing, accessory, footwear) that offers another perspective on this week’s theme, Heroes. Explain why you chose it and what impact it has had on you. If you were to redesign this item, what changes would you make to it, and why? We encourage you to include an image and respond to other learners’ selections.
My choice is the cape commonly associated with medieval Europe and its heroes e.g. Robin Hood. It was used in many different ways, by different kinds of people. The cape travels throughout time bringing a certain air: modern heroes like Superman or Batman also choose capes. In my head capes also are closely connected with the fantasy worlds which are mostly medieval-like. The fact that capes are one of the most important item for LARP fans whose aim to enter some mythological legendary events makes me think that it's all about heroes and deeds. The cape gives a lot for your self-identity with a choosen character. I suppose it makes you feel stronger speaking of your self-esteem as well. I would wear a cape in everyday life to show my worldview and (that's even more important) not to let myself foget about my views and choices. Nowadays the cape really brings a message though the sense may depend on those who "read" it i.e. what means they have to read it and as a result their ability to get the right message. So we can't deny that the cape also posesses some stereotypes in an average person's head. I'm also thinking of ways to modify a cape for a modern world to turn it into fashion but keeping its character in this renewed item. I believe it's possible. Moreover, I think fashion has already done it.
What do your heroes wear? Do their clothes and accessories contribute to their heroic status, and if so, how? Have you ever incorporated elements of their style into what you wear? Describe something you wear that has made you feel heroic.
The cape. I tried to give my reasons in the previous section 'Propose an Item'.
I've come across this course just by chance but it turns out that this is what I have been looking already for some time. Recently, I started thinking about connection between what I wear and my inner self, why I choose that item and not this one . And I do see a certain connection. It's not about beauty or fashion or comfort it's something more profound. I believe it's all about the message. I'm sure that nowadays we all look for more holistic ways to say what we are and we try to use not only words but art as well. Why not to use our clothes? It's no wonder that this revelation of mine isn't revelation at all. The moment I started thinking about the history of clothes and fashion I saw that it was all about the message all the time. So I want to get acquainted with the ways clothes speak to be able to 'read' what's behind the image and to create different kinds of messages and built more complex characters using such ways of communication.
The exhibition Items: Is Fashion Modern? is organized around 111 garments and accessories that have had a significant impact in the 20th and 21st centuries. Identify three to five garments and accessories of your own that you would put at the top of your list of significance. At the end of the course, we’ll ask you to reflect on how your list might have changed.
1. The Mustang jeans;
2. A tartan blanket (worn as a plaid);
3. A boho dress;
4. Converse all star;
5. A bronze fibula (a medieval pin).
WEEK2Identify an item (clothing, accessory, footwear) that offers another perspective on this week’s theme, Heroes. Explain why you chose it and what impact it has had on you. If you were to redesign this item, what changes would you make to it, and why? We encourage you to include an image and respond to other learners’ selections.
My choice is the cape commonly associated with medieval Europe and its heroes e.g. Robin Hood. It was used in many different ways, by different kinds of people. The cape travels throughout time bringing a certain air: modern heroes like Superman or Batman also choose capes. In my head capes also are closely connected with the fantasy worlds which are mostly medieval-like. The fact that capes are one of the most important item for LARP fans whose aim to enter some mythological legendary events makes me think that it's all about heroes and deeds. The cape gives a lot for your self-identity with a choosen character. I suppose it makes you feel stronger speaking of your self-esteem as well. I would wear a cape in everyday life to show my worldview and (that's even more important) not to let myself foget about my views and choices. Nowadays the cape really brings a message though the sense may depend on those who "read" it i.e. what means they have to read it and as a result their ability to get the right message. So we can't deny that the cape also posesses some stereotypes in an average person's head. I'm also thinking of ways to modify a cape for a modern world to turn it into fashion but keeping its character in this renewed item. I believe it's possible. Moreover, I think fashion has already done it.
What do your heroes wear? Do their clothes and accessories contribute to their heroic status, and if so, how? Have you ever incorporated elements of their style into what you wear? Describe something you wear that has made you feel heroic.
The cape. I tried to give my reasons in the previous section 'Propose an Item'.
@темы: учение мое, полезное, язык: английский